
Robotic process automation (RPA) has a lot to add to workflow within any organization today, from the Life Science sector to IT, Engineering & manufacturing. It can streamline the management of regular and repetitive tasks, improve productivity and help to overcome existing process issues. Any enterprise keen to remain competitive and agile in the face of change and disruption should be looking at strategic options for implementing RPA.

Where Does RPA Make a Difference?

RPA can be truly transformative when it comes to internal workflow in a number of different ways.

  • Automated processes are faster and more accurate. There are few processes that can’t be improved by the application of RPA and workflows become simpler to scale. Time saving is one of the major benefits of RPA, as well as the increased accuracy of machines over manual human handling.
  • Data handling is accelerated and improved. Data is a valuable asset for any organization today but only if it is being effectively handled. RPA takes basic data processing, transfer and storage tasks out of human hands, improves speed and efficiency and frees staff up for other things.
  • Analysis is optimized. Vast volumes of data are impossible for humans to track and organize for the purposes of analysis but this can be handled swiftly and efficiently with RPA, opening up the benefits of advanced analytics to any enterprise that invests in this kind of software.
  • Costs and productivity are more manageable. One of the main purposes of RPA is to enable organizations to bring costs down and boost productivity by using robotic applications where they can exceed human ability.

PREMIUM CONTENT: Introduction to Robotic Process Automation

Sector-Specific Applications

RPA can take the repetitive and mundane tasks and automate and streamline them in any sector – it has a very broad application that ensures plenty of flexibility. It can also have some specific benefits to individual industries. In the Life Sciences sector, for example, automation can help to distill down large data sets to provide more insight into research, speed up data processing and help to ensure that essential outcomes are being reached on shorter timelines. It can help to manage regulatory changes that affect the industry to create more agile and resilient enterprises that support advances in global health. In the IT sector RPA can process vast volumes of information, whether that relates to systems or customers, and replace data entry and data rekeying jobs. Back-office tasks can be streamlined and structures such as a CRM can be made more efficient with the use of RPA robots. There are benefits too for engineering businesses, whether that relates to using RPA to generate accurate invoices that may be pulling information from multiple sources to smoothing the flow of information between projects and customers.

RPA is a growing trend and one that has a lot to offer businesses across all sectors.