
People tend to resist any change that impacts their status quo, especially in the workplace. That’s why asking them to learn yet another new tool will undoubtedly feel like an unwelcome disruption. They will be skeptical if you are not clear about how it will improve them and their workflow. They’ll resent the change if they feel like they’re wasting time learning how to use this new tool. So, how can you successfully implement new software without stressing your employees out?

Assure employees of the software’s long-term value. When employees are asked to transition to new software, the first question they ask is, “Why?” Why should they bother learning a new system when the old one was perfectly adequate? The most obvious response is that it will make them more productive. However, this is only partially correct. Higher employee productivity is better for your company, but it isn’t always the greatest thing for the individual. A far better response would be that the new software will provide them with long-term benefits. A lot of the time, new software can help employees save time or save them from burnout. However, the response also has to speak to something they are passionate about. Saying a new software will help improve their career and talents is a far more effective incentive than basic productivity improvements.

For example, MoversTech CRM is a tool that can help streamline all your information in one place and run a well-organized sales pipeline. However, employees want to hear that this software will help them save time and be more employable in the future.

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Provide employees with a sense of control. A sense of loss of control frequently accompanies the transition to new software. This is because employees accustomed to a specific work environment often feel out of control when they switch to a new system. This loss of control, whether actual or imagined, can be a significant source of stress. You can implement new software without stressing employees out by including them in the implementation process. You can achieve that by:

  • Directly consulting with employees during the software selection process.
  • Allowing employees to reject or approve software proposals depending on their needs.
  • Allowing employees to postpone or accelerate the switch.

Regard the implementation process as a democratic grassroots exercise rather than a top-down edict. Making employees equal stakeholders in the transition will go a long way toward alleviating their control-related concerns. Moreover, it will help unite and strengthen your workforce.

Communicate in the right way. The importance of communication methods to company culture is an often-discussed topic. When implementing new software, communication is key. In this case, we’re not talking about sending out a few scattered emails a few days before the new technology goes live – we’re talking about a solid communication strategy. Announce the upcoming changes at weekly team meetings beginning a few months before implementation.

Also, while introducing new software to your organization, pay close attention to the exact words you use. Using words like “game-changer” or “the new way of doing things,” for example, may put individuals on alert and make them defensive. We recommend you utilize terminology that will assist them in understanding the benefits of this new program. It’s not all about the productivity benefits either. For example, explain how CRM helps make better teams by enabling different groups to collaborate more efficiently.

Offer training. Training events are an excellent approach to educate your employees on the new software you’ve chosen to implement. It’s an essential step you don’t want to miss if you wish to implement new software without stressing employees out. It’s a less formal setting for showcasing and demonstrating the new program, which fosters greater discussion about implementation. Moreover, you can use these events to answer your employees’ most pressing problems and guide them through the solution they seek.