
For some companies, dealing with the aftermath of an accident can be an HR department’s worst nightmare, especially if most or all of the process is handled manually. The stacks of forms, constant follow-up, compliance concerns and other time-consuming tasks can make the incident reporting process stressful and inefficient from beginning to end.

But, it doesn’t have to be that way. The most successful organizations understand the need to proactively minimize risk exposure, and they’re likely taking full advantage of the many benefits a digitized incident report system offers. Here are just some of the major advantages digitized incident reports can have over the clunky, old-style manual ones.

  1. Convenient information capturing. A digitized incident management report makes capturing all the necessary information easy because the appropriate forms are automatically chosen, disseminated, and recorded once they are completed. Each party involved in the incident has the ability to access an online form or submit details in the platform of their choice. Better still, HR teams can access documents at any time, from anywhere – no more rummaging through filing cabinets at the office.
  2. Reports are compliant. Whether there is an injury, property damage or both, there are regulatory guidelines that companies must follow. Key digitized features such as an intuitive dashboard and data storage assist companies in keeping up with new regulations. Additionally, the most advanced digitization software programs also provide predictive analytics, helping companies discover compliance gaps and patterns in risk and compliance data.
  3. Delivers analytics fast. Sometimes, fast decisions need to be made in regard to an incident – and the more information you have in times like this, the better. Digitized incident management reports not only expedite the workflow through all key stages, they can also reduce the overall impact of the accident, mitigate damage, and ensure post-accident safety for people and operating systems.
  4. Ensures best possible outcome. A fast resolution to a workplace incident is a huge benefit to all parties. It ensures that employees are happy, and it also eliminates unnecessary work and worry for the employer. In addition, a faster response can lead to more reliable testimony from those involved, as witnesses are likely to be more accurate with their statements immediately after an incident takes place.

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Digitization Simplifies Incident Management: A Case Study

The parks and recreation department of a large California county had been filing manual, pen-to-paper reports for years. With nearly 30 parks in the county, park rangers had plenty of reports to file, from parking lot fender benders to missing persons. They could not afford to let anything fall through the cracks, and the manual reports were slowing them down. Frustrated with their outdated system, they decided something had to change. The department sought out and found a better way, contracting with a digital process management solutions company to streamline processes and improve compliance.

Today, thanks to digitization, all forms are filled out on mobile devices and all records are unified in the cloud. Park rangers appreciate the ability to complete paperwork on their phones, even when offline. Photos captured at the incident site are attached and filed as part of the report. Once the documentation is sent to the ranger’s supervisor, the entire incident management process is seen on their dashboard, where it stays until completion. And of course, the organization’s carbon footprint is reduced because the entire procedure is paperless. 

The Time to Act is Now

When an organization is seeking a more efficient way to handle incident management processes and take their workflow to the next level, they need only to look into leveraging the amazing technology that is now available.

Digitization enables companies to keep their focus on what’s important – efficiently investigating and resolving an incident, rather than dealing with the abundance of administrative and management tasks that come with manually processing.

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