
Gear up! Winter is upon us, and so is the hailstorm of staffing orders from your clients when the 26 million Americans who had applied for unemployment back in April will be returning to work.

Pulling your socks up and increasing staff won’t be enough to help your clients get these millions of workers back to work. Before the hailstorm arrives, staffing firms need to do away with the conventional staffing methodologies and switch over to technological solutions fueling growth for staffing businesses during the Covid-19 and potentially post-pandemic as well. Here are some of those solutions.

Geofencing. With the increasing social-distancing restrictions, it would have been nearly impossible for staffing managers to track the workers’ timely presence on-site with limited supervision. What made it possible is that powerful geofencing technology integrates seamlessly with the staffing software’s tracking functionality and enables staffing managers to create their own virtual boundary around the job site. The worker’s mobile device acts as a web-clock due to the integrated timesheet calculator that monitors the worker’s attendance during the scheduled hours and puts an end to buddy-clocking.

Set aside the woes of assigning dedicated staff to supervise the on-site workers or managing the timesheet errors due to inappropriate clock-in and clock-out tracking! The present and future is uncertain, but not the employee tracking with the help of geofencing.

PREMIUM CONTENT: North America Staffing Company Survey 2020: Full Report

Video interviewing. The number of companies using video interviews to hire staff spiked by 67% in February-March, 2020.

The new normal demands a new way of interviewing over the conventional face-to-face interviews. Moreover, with the increasingly stringent government rules regarding everyone’s safety, it had been challenging for the staffing managers to interview employees and meet the staffing demands. Video interviewing increases the flexibility and safety on both the ends of the interviewing process, enhances the candidate experience, and lowers the cost-to-fill considerably.

Digital employee onboarding. We have all been accustomed to the traditional onboarding process comprising face-to-face training, team introductions, welcome kits on the workstation, and lunch with the team members. However, the growing Covid-19 crisis has certainly made it a once-upon-a-time experience for both staffing managers and candidates. But, should that stop you from providing a valuable onboarding experience to your new joiners? With digital employee onboarding solutions, certainly not!

Most of the companies, in order to prepare themselves for the post-Covid work orders, have stopped relying on the traditional methods and have embraced paperless onboarding experience with the help of a staffing software that provides seamless digital onboarding experience and allows you to keep your onboarding activities going, all from the comfort of your home or office workstation!

Two-way digital messaging. Communication is key, and even more so in these times of globally distant candidates, employees and staffing managers. The lack of a systematic and uninterrupted communication channel makes it challenging for the staffing managers to deliver consistent, right, and personalized messages to the new joiners and existing employees. Given that digital messaging is a preferred mode of communication in today’s technologically-driven world, staffing managers can establish seamless communication with employees through their preferred channel — email, text messages or staffing mobile app messaging feature.

Digital messaging establishes the organization as a tech-savvy place to work for and increases staffing managers’ productivity and efficiency.

Electronic compliance. Whether it’s the ongoing remote working or the soon ‘‘back-to-normal’’ working, employee compliance processes are inevitable and tedious at the same time. Hence, to get the current regular lot of employees compliant as well as the expected millions of other new joiners compliant, staffing managers are relying heavily on user-friendly and secure staffing software solutions that allow them to verify each new hire digitally and get them to sign the required forms electronically. Saving the time, cost, and efforts, all together!

Not to mention, human errors are inevitable with manual compliance management. Hence, staffing managers can easily cater to the ongoing compliance responsibilities and future demands while eliminating the woes of incorrect validation checks and missed out signatures completely.

The present is unpredictable, and so is the future! What is clearly predictable is the staffing companies’ growth and the increased level of work efficiency through the deployment of the right staffing software that offers best-in-class technology solutions to streamline the entire staffing process.