
The end of the year is here and as we’re looking forward to 2023, we start thinking about all the wonderful things we wish to accomplish in the next 12 months. Making New Year’s resolutions is always a good idea!

New beginnings are opportunities for change and can represent an important boost to your motivation. According to Forbes, the most popular resolutions are about self improvement (living healthier 23% of people, getting happy 21%, losing weight 20%, exercising 7%, stopping smoking 5%, reducing drinking 2%). 
Achieving new career goals is the main resolution for 16% of people – here’s a list with 5 resolutions to help you find a great new job in 2023!

1. Define your goals

Ask yourself what you want. When looking for a job, it’s easy for us to just take the opportunities that come up, but if you could draft the exact job description you’d like to have – while still being realistic – what would that be? We suggest you the SMART methodology:

  • S for Specific – What type of industry do you want to work at? What type of job? Be precise.
  • M for Measurable – To meet your goal, how many resumes will you send out per week?
  • A for Attainable – While you can’t control the number of interviews you get, you can control the number of job applications you send. Can you really commit to the goals you’re setting?
  • R for Realistic – Do you have what it takes for the job? Be honest with yourself and do a self-analysis to understand if you’re set up for success or aiming too high.
  • T for Timely – You can’t control when you will get hired, but you can still set deadlines – either for sending an X amount of applications in a month, or establishing you want to get a new job by July, for example.


2. Review your CV

Take some time to go through your resume and find opportunities to improve it. You might have some new skills to include or a new qualification to update. Also, make sure that your resume is tailored for the type of position you’re looking for – the way you present your past experience should resonate with the type of job you’re aiming to get. 

3. Identify areas to improve

Having in mind the type of job you’re targeting, are there any courses you could take to improve your chances? If the job of your dreams has a specific requirement you don’t meet yet, you can find training that will help you close that gap.

4. Target specific companies

Depending on the job you’re searching for, you might know a few companies that offer this type of position or that even are a reference in that field. Create a list of companies and check their job postings often.

5. Give yourself a break

We know that looking for a job is a job in itself. If you spend all of your time job hunting, you will burn out. Try to take breaks to relax, your mental health comes first!


Don’t forget that Shiftfillers may have the perfect job opportunity for you – check out our available roles and apply today!